Re: dbca error

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 07:15:44 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 30, 10:17 pm, Palooka <> wrote:


> Just a couple of small questions.
> Who uses dbca, other than the DBA 2s of which we hear so much these days?

Another religious war getting started here eh dog?

Seriously though there's nothing wrong with using dbca when one knows enough to go behind the defaults and make corrections/adjustments/ changes as needed.

I guess there might be a semi valid argument to say "custom" might be the only way to go ... I certainly haven't used dbca for anything besides custom except on several throw away ( verification system type thing ) installs over the last several years.

As to how many people these days think about changing away from the defaults ... well

> Does anyone still use sqlplus / as sysdba and create database blah, or
> have we all been superseded?

No shortage of old time people still working with oracle databases ( since not so many newer ones coming into oracle database field at least in my area ). Even us old timers are not all universally against integrating some changes in how we operate over time.

You can always get the scripts generated and double check the latest ones against your own versions to make sure that you aren't missing anything ... Received on Sat Jan 31 2009 - 09:15:44 CST

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