From: Vladimir M. Zakharychev <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 10:06:52 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 19, 3:48 pm, Ram <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have some technical problem with 10g OEM and we have raised a TAR
> for that, but since 3 months we have'nt got any solution for that .
> They are still working....
> I want all the outstanding alerts should be sent to my official email
> id is that possible .if it is possible can any body help me out.
> Regards
> Ram.

EM should do that (but it doesn't if I understood the question correctly.) Alternatively, you can try AQ API to create and register your own subscriber for the SYS.ALERT_QUE queue and set it up to notify you about messages entering this queue via email, essentially mimicking EM (see the docs on DBMS_AQADM, DBMS_AQELM and DBMS_AQ packages for details.) Or you can write a PL/SQL procedure that will check the view and email you any outstanding alerts using UTL_SMTP or UTL_MAIL, and schedule this procedure to run at some interval that suits you best.


   Vladimir M. Zakharychev
   N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm) Received on Mon Jan 19 2009 - 12:06:52 CST

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