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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Do you use PL/SQL
On 26 May 2007 15:13:40 -0700, wrote:
>Oracle has rather convoluted (which are vvery inefficent) ways of
>calling C++ or Java from PL/SQL, so it is best not to call these
>languages from PL/SQL at all.For xeample, if you wnat to call Java
>from PL/SQL, you always have to develop PL/SQL wrappre function and
>there are various retsrictions on the type pf Java method you can call
>(it has to be made static public). So Oracle will tell you you can
>call Java or C++, but in pratice it is limited and in efficent.
Again a post full of nonsense, and without any benchmark to demonstate
so-called 'inefficiency'.
The 'wrappre' function is exactly one line, so stating this is a
problem is just utter nonsense.
Stating it is best not to call these languages from PL/SQL because of
non-proven inefficiency is an example of promoting nonsensical
development practices.
If calling Java from PL/SQL is inefficient this is because Java is an
interpreted language. Apparently you are unaware of this fact.
I would recommend you com back when you actually know what you are
talking about.
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Sun May 27 2007 - 00:27:51 CDT