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Re: How to Change ini.ora filename on Windows?

From: EscVector <>
Date: 17 May 2007 20:10:50 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On May 17, 8:31 pm, Charles Hooper <> wrote:
> On May 17, 4:56 pm, EscVector <> wrote:
> > On May 17, 4:37 pm, Charles Hooper <> wrote:
> > > On May 17, 4:06 pm, "" <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > I've inherited Oracle databases which use the filename "init.ora" for
> > > > the instance initialization file regardless of database/sid name. I'd
> > > > like to rename these files to something more readily identifiable.
> > > > How do I do this?
> > > > Running Oracle 8i on Win2000; 10g on Win2003.
> > > For Oracle 8i, see page 352 Oracle 8i Administrator's Guide for
> > > Windows NT:
> > > "By default, Oracle8i uses the initialization parameter files located
> > > in ORACLE_BASE\ADMIN\DB_NAME\PFILE, unless you specify a different
> > > initialization file with the PFILE option at database startup."
> > > For Example:
> > > Page 361 of the same book:
> > > includes the following parameters for an Oracle home directory on a
> > > computer. Depending on the products you install, additional parameters
> > > can also be created..." "Parameter: ORA_SID_PFILE Description: The
> > > full path to the initialization parameter file. Default: ORACLE_BASE
> > > For Oracle 10g, you should be using an SPFILE with a backup of the
> > > parameters in a PFILE, which can be used to bring the database up in
> > > the event that inappropriate parameters are specified in the SPFILE
> > > (do not edit the SPFILE using Notepad).
> > > Charles Hooper
> > > IT Manager/Oracle DBA
> > > K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.
> > Tested in 9i (same reg hive as 8) and 10. Even with the registry
> > pfile setting, it still looks to the database directory when starting
> > even in 9i. If the init<dbname> file is not there, it won't start
> > even if the pfile entry and path value is in the registry. Justed
> > tested it out in 9 and 10. I'm fairly sure it applies to 8 because my
> > win rmanless clone scripts were developed for 8.1.7 peoplesoft
> > instance replication on windows. I don't believe there is a way
> > around this other than to specify a different RDBMS_CONTROL directory,
> > but I think it still looks for init<dbname> in the control directory
> > and then points from there.
> I am not sure why the registry key did not work for you - maybe a
> reboot is required. The quotes in my previous post were direct from
> the Oracle 8i documentation. A quick search on Google Groups for:
> Oracle 8 ORA_SID_PFILE locates a couple threads related to this
> registry key. SID needs to be replaced with the approproriate SID
> name.
> It looks like the registry key may apply to 10g also:
> (pgs 83, 84, 171)
> "ORA_SID_PFILE This parameter sets the full path to the initialization
> parameter file. If this entry is not present, then oradim will try to
> start the database with an SPFILE or PFILE from ORACLE_HOME\database."
> "To start the database, start OracleServiceSID. This automatically
> starts ORADIM and issues the -STARTUP command using the initialization
> parameter file identified by ORA_SID_PFILE."
> "ORA_SID_PFILE Specifies full path to initialization parameter file.
> The default value is ORACLE_BASE\admin\DB_NAME\pfile\init.ora"
> Charles Hooper
> IT Manager/Oracle DBA
> K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.

Copied from:
Administering a Database on Windows 5-7
This parameter sets the full path to the initialization parameter file. If this entry is
not present, then oradim will try to start the database with an SPFILE or PFILE
from ORACLE_HOME\database." Test on WinXP.

Database running....

Removed initBJORK4.ora file from the database directory. Spfile and initBJORK4.ora file are both in <ORABASE>\admin \bjork4\pfile directory.

Added regstring:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb10g_home1] "ORA_BJORK4_PFILE"="C:\\app\\oracle\\product\\10.2.0\\admin\\BJORK4\ \pfile"

C:\WORK>net stop oracleservicebjork4
The OracleServiceBJORK4 service is stopping.......... The OracleServiceBJORK4 service was stopped successfully.

C:\WORK>net start oracleservicebjork4
The OracleServiceBJORK4 service is starting.. The OracleServiceBJORK4 service was started successfully.

Closed and opened new cmd window.

C:\WORK>sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 17 22:58:00 2007

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

22:58:00 @> connect / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
22:58:04 SYS_at_BJORK4> startup
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters LRM-00109: could not open parameter file 'C:\APP\ORACLE\PRODUCT \10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\INITBJORK4.ORA'
22:58:06 SYS_at_BJORK4> put file back....

22:58:06 SYS_at_BJORK4> startup
ORACLE instance started.

removed file again....

Database opened.
23:04:05 SYS_at_BJORK4> shutdown abort;
ORACLE instance shut down.
23:06:53 SYS_at_BJORK4> startup
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters LRM-00109: could not open parameter file 'C:\APP\ORACLE\PRODUCT \10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\INITBJORK4.ORA'
23:07:30 SYS_at_BJORK4> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

C:\WORK>oradim -shutdown -sid bjork4 -shuttype srvc

(prompt returned too quickly, so I know the db didn't start....

C:\WORK>oradim -startup -sid bjork4 -starttype srvc

C:\WORK>oradim -startup -sid bjork4 -starttype inst ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters LRM-00109: could not open parameter file 'C:\APP\ORACLE\PRODUCT \10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\INITBJORK4.ORA'

I don't think oracle documentation is accurate here. I'd be glad to see a test that proves me wrong. Anyone? Received on Thu May 17 2007 - 22:10:50 CDT

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