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Re: Creating standby database: Why need to copy backup pieces to standby site manually?

From: Valentin Minzatu <>
Date: 15 May 2007 14:10:01 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On May 15, 4:48 pm, Ronny <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I created a standby database (version on Linux) by following
> the instructions of metalink Note:183570.1 (which was written for
> version 9i). Simplified spoken, you have to do the following (executed
> on primary site), which I did successfully:
> a)
> rman target /
> RMAN> Backup Database;
> RMAN> Backup current controlfile for standby;
> b)
> Copy the backup pieces to the remote server (same directory).
> c)
> rman target / auxiliary sys/change_on_install_at_STANDBY
> RMAN> duplicate target database for standby dorecover;
> ...
> Now my questions:
> - Why is it necessary to transfer the files to remote standby server
> with OS commands (step b)?
> - Why does Oracle not use SQLNet to transfer the files? (Or do I just
> not know how to do so?)
> - If not possible today: Does Oracle plan to provide this feature in a
> future release?
> My considerations behind:
> At the point of time, when the standby database is setup ready and
> running well, it receives the archived redolog files from the primary
> site over a SQLnet connection (--> log_archive_dest_2 =
> 'SERVICE=STANDBY LGWR...' or similar) and there is no need to copy any
> file either with OS commands nor over a NFS share. The file transfer
> is done by only using the SQLnet protocol. So I wonder why Oracle does
> not use this technology for the RMAN 'duplicate .. for standby'
> command as well...?
> Thank you for your posts.
> NitelyJoy

RMAN is just another interface for a process local to the "primary" server. The same server would have to have access to the standby's (remote) storage in order for RMAN to do what you are asking it to do. As long as there is no instance running on the standby machine the only thing you can rely on is the operating system hence the O/S copy command.

You can use DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER should you have an instance running on the standby machine and should you be willing to bypass the O/S copy command. Received on Tue May 15 2007 - 16:10:01 CDT

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