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Re: IBM and Oracle - Let's Rrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuumbbbbbbbbbbleeeeeeee

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: 9 May 2007 12:45:57 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On May 9, 3:26 pm, Barry Bulsara <> wrote:
> Dearest Sybrand, you must see someone about your personality disorder
> as it seems so many of your posts to this newsgroup end up in you
> making a personal attack on someone. Proof, see below, or Google your
> name out with your favourite expletive, or watch this newsgroup on a
> weekly basis.
> > *flame* people,and never contribute anything
> > useful, Barry Bullshit.
> Your post is selective in what it includes too. Here is the bit you
> missed out, the important bit.
> > Thank you for your help in this group Daniel and did
> > you really need to post your <g> and Dilbert reference
> > to,,
> > and comp.databases.informix. What a waste of bandwidth!
> I praise Daniel for his help in this bit you missed out, albeit it a
> double edged sword. I praised him elsewhere in my post too. I was not
> attempting to start a flame although your outburst alone has succeeded
> on this count. I was asking Daniel to practice what many preach,
> including you, and him. Don't cross post, keep to the topic, and make
> it relevant to the newsgroup. It is pretty simple really.
> No doubt you will make another post, just to have the final one, and
> even add your cute pot <--> kettle <--> black fun again. Perhaps
> there will even be another personal insult, I dont' know. I do know
> that you you are not doing yourself any favours. It reinforces my
> opinion of you, and many others I expect, and your outbursts just
> demonstrate immaturity or social disorder at best.
> Anyway, I'm not going off topic anymore in this thread. You can be an
> adult if you want to too by not posting in the thread again!
> Sincerely
> Barry Bulsara (and note the correct spelling of my surname, not the
> one you made up).- Hide quoted text -

Dearest? Wow but I still guess this thread may run another 10 to 20 postings at a minimum. Received on Wed May 09 2007 - 14:45:57 CDT

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