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Re: IBM and Oracle - Let's Rrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuumbbbbbbbbbbleeeeeeee

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: 8 May 2007 11:48:36 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On May 7, 1:54 pm, Barry Bulsara <> wrote:
> On May 7, 5:04 pm, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> > Serge Rielau wrote:
> > > DA Morgan wrote:
> > >> Data Cruncher wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Officials at IBM are throwing verbal haymakers at Oracle as Big Blue
> > >>> touts its successes in the database market.
> > >>> The two database heavyweights alternated between offensive and
> > >>> defensive postures recently after IBM questioned Oracle's claims of
> > >>> database dominance.
> > >>> "The rapid adoption of DB2 9 would seem to call their claims into
> > >>> question and analysts are starting to question their numbers as
> > >>> well," said Bernie Spang, director of IBM data servers.
> > >>> He cited commentary by Philip Howard of UK-based Bloor Research, who
> > >>> noted that when reporting Oracle's results for the third quarter of
> > >>> fiscal year 2007, CEO Larry Ellison said new license revenues for the
> > >>> database and middleware division grew 17 percent.
> > >>> However, Ellison also noted the middleware portion had grown roughly
> > >>> 80 percent, which Howard argued indicates a slow down in the growth
> > >>> of Oracle's database portfolio.
> > >>> In an interview with eWEEK, Howard said increased competition not
> > >>> just from IBM but from a number of vendors, has affected sales of 10g.
> > >>> "11g may make a difference compared to DB2 but probably not versus
> > >>> SQL Server, Netezza and EnterpriseDB - as these all compete as much
> > >>> on lower TCO and reduced administration as on features and
> > >>> performance," Howard said.
> > >>> But for Oracle's part, company officials are not breaking much of a
> > >>> sweat, and are convinced the company's hold on the database market is
> > >>> not slipping.
> > >>> "There's no doubt about that," said Willie Hardie, Oracle vice
> > >>> president of database product marketing.
> > >>> Hardie pointed to a study by IDC that included estimated 2006 revenue
> > >>> totals from the five biggest relational database management system
> > >>> providers and had Oracle in the top spot with a 44.4 percent of the
> > >>> market. IBM was second with 21.2 percent.
> > >>> According to IDC, those figures represent a growth of 14.7 and 11.9
> > >>> percent between 2005 and 2006 for Oracle and IBM, respectively.
> > >>> "There's always going to be competitors in the market," Hardie said.
> > >>> "An organization like Oracle continues to do business with its
> > >>> extensive install-base."
> > >>> The IDC study did not include features sold by vendors as separation
> > >>> options and did not break out subscription and maintenance revenue,
> > >>> which can obscure the true growth rate of a vendor's database license
> > >>> sales.
> > >>> IBM's Spang said the $4.3 billion in revenue earned by the company's
> > >>> software segment in the first quarter of fiscal 2007 was driven
> > >>> largely by sales of the DB2 9 Viper data server.
> > >>> "The volume of new DB2 customers since we launched DB2 9 last July
> > >>> has exceeded all expectations," he said. "We have seen literally
> > >>> thousands of new customers in that timeframe - and a large percentage
> > >>> of those are migrations from Oracle."
> > >>> However, Forrester Research analyst Noel Yuhanna disputed IBM's
> > >>> claims of how aggressively the market is adopting DB2.
> > >>> "I think we have seen less aggressive movement with IBM DB2," he
> > >>> said, adding that he thinks IBM has not aggressively marketed DB2.
> > >>> "Oracle still rules the world."
> > >>> Spang strongly disagreed.
> > >>> "I would also say that the large numbers of new customers - backed up
> > >>> by our earnings - support the claims that our marketing strategy has
> > >>> been right on target," he said.
> > >> In other words ... we don't know anything more than we did before we
> > >> read this.
> > >> But for those who have to pay their mortgage and feed their families
> > >> the only metrics that matter are those that can be found at:
> > >>
> > >> As of 6 May, 2007:
> > >> =========================
> > >> DB2 3,419 8.9%
> > >> Informix 452 1.2%
> > >> Oracle 17,861 46.7%
> > >> SQL Server 14,171 37.0%
> > >> Sybase 2,355 6.2%
> > >> =========================
> > >> If these aren't the numbers you're looking at you aren't paying
> > >> attention to putting the kids through college and your retirement.
> > >> Small comfort to remember your product loyalty to a particular brand
> > >> when living off your Social Security check.
> > > Following that logic we should be working for WalMart to get your kids
> > > safely through college .... lotsa greeters needed - always.
> > > Cheers
> > > Serge
> > If they paid more than what I do now you'd be absolutely right. <g>
> > I don't work 12+ hours a day because of my deep love of living the
> > life of Dilbert.
> > --
> > Daniel A. Morgan
> > University of Washington
> >
> > (replace x with u to respond)
> > Puget Sound Oracle Users
> Thank you for your help in this group Daniel and did you really need
> to post your <g> and Dilbert reference to
>,, and
> comp.databases.informix. What a waste of bandwidth!
> Although you may be online at work for 12+ hours a day, from the
> number of posts you make, many addressing flames, I doubt you are
> working 12+ hours a day. That is unless of course the University of
> Washington pays you to flame, police this group, and give the often
> sound DBA advice you do in addition to your day job.
> Barry

Good points Barry. Probably you will just see lots of posts continue in this thread ...

Many of the people in this thread will continue posting to topics like this 10/20 times or more. Behavior like that doesn't surprise me anymore. Received on Tue May 08 2007 - 13:48:36 CDT

Original text of this message