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Re: 10g fash_recovery_area

From: JW <>
Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 14:09:12 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On 6 May 2007 02:52:40 -0700, "Vladimir M. Zakharychev" <> wrote:

>On May 6, 8:02 am, JW <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your quick reply.
>> Do you mean that I can configure the Archive Log to
>> flash_recovery_area, and RMAN to different disk/folder ?
>> I thought they have to be the same area. Sorry to ask that simple
>> question.
>> JW
>> On Sat, 05 May 2007 17:02:24 -0700, DA Morgan <>
>> wrote:
>> >JW wrote:
>> >> I worked on Oracle 9i for a while under Window 2000 environment. I
>> >> just started working on 10g, and work like to clarify a confusion.
>> >> In Oracle 9i, it was recommanded that the Archive Log folder (disk)
>> >> should be doifferent from the folder (disk) for storing the RMAN
>> >> files. But in 10g, it looks like they are to be kept in
>> >> flash_recovery_area. Is this contradict what it should be defined
>> >> before ?
>> >> Also there is maximum size definition of the flash_recovery_area.
>> >> Should I defined the total size of the expected archived logs plus the
>> >> RMAN files ? Or should I just defined the disk size for the folder ?
>> >> Thanks for clarifying for me.
>> >> JW
>> >What you are looking as is the default installation if you do no
>> >customization during installation. Not a best practice for scalability
>> >and performance.
>> >The rule has never changed ... spread everything for maximum spindles.
>1) Please, do not top-post.
>2) RMAN backups do not have to be in the FRA, they just go there by
>default if you don't specify any other location. The same is true for
>archived logs. Note that you can define no FRA at all, and in this
>case everything is just like in pre-10g days.
> Vladimir M. Zakharychev
> N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm)

Sorry for the top-post, I hadn't paid attention to it. I would like to keep FRA as it seems to be a good features to recover error actions on tables.
Can I use the FRA to hold Archive Log files and use script block to run RMAN Backup to different drives, instead of the default location setting in 9i ? Will this affect Oracle's flash back feature ? Thanks.
JW   Received on Sun May 06 2007 - 09:09:12 CDT

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