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Re: REGEXP_like

From: cptkirkh <>
Date: 2 May 2007 13:20:44 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On May 1, 12:51 am, "Vladimir M. Zakharychev" <> wrote:
> On May 1, 1:52 am,cptkirkh<> wrote:
> > On Apr 29, 5:52 pm, Mladen Gogala <>
> > wrote:
> > > On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 22:07:01 -0700, Vladimir M. Zakharychev wrote:
> > > > Indeed, but won't work in 10.1, only in 10.2 and later.
> > > I didn't know that, thanks! Unfortunately, I don't have any 10.1
> > > databases to try, all I have are 10.2. All we need now is for Oracle
> > > to take over extproc_perl and implement it as a standard database
> > > language.
> > > --
> > Thanks for the help. By looking at the expression of select id from
> > my_table where regexp_like(id,'0[0-9]$') It works but what if you have
> > to accoutn for numbers from 00-99. This looks like it only counts
> > from 00-09. Can you do the following?
> > select id from my_table where (regexp_like(id,' [00-09]$') can that
> > then be edited to be changed in the form of [xx - yy]$ where I can
> > change the values xx or yy to any value I wish to limit the query by
> > the last two digits?
> Wasn't that your initial requirement to only select those rows ending
> with 00 through 09? As of the second question - no, you need to use
> '[0-9][0-9]$' or '\d\d$'. I'd suggest you read some primer on Regular
> Expressions, there are plenty available on the web. At the very least,
> read the chapter on RE support in Oracle SQL Reference.
> Regards,
> Vladimir M. Zakharychev
> N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm)
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> - Show quoted text -

Ok that works great but if you want to give the user the ability to vary the last two digit search by any number how can you account for that? I did read a lot about Regexps and if the user says tyhey want to pull say all those who have a n Id with the last two digits of 00-25. How would you account for that in a RegExp_like? [0-2] gets the first digit but what about the last digit? you can't use [0-2] [0-5]$ don't you rule out 06-09 and 16-19? I will do more reading on regular expressions but if any one has an idea I woud apprecitate it. Thanks. Received on Wed May 02 2007 - 15:20:44 CDT

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