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Re: access an sso partner application through an iframe without reauthenticating

From: <>
Date: 4 Jan 2007 08:46:01 -0800
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 4, 2:21 pm, "What's in a namespace" <> wrote:
> <> schreef in
> > On Jan 4, 1:08 pm, "What's in a namespace" <> wrote:
> >> <> schreef in
> >>
> >> >I have an application (written using apex) that is an sso partner app.
> >> > I want to be able to embed the application within a portlet (probably a
> >> > dynamic page portlet generating an iframe) in my portal. When a user
> >> > access the portal page that contains the iframe they are initially
> >> > forced to reauthenticate within the iframe.
> >> > The problem lies in the sso session. I think when you access an
> >> > application through an iframe it treats everything in the iframe as if
> >> > it were in a separate browser session. This means that when you try to
> >> > access the application in the iframe it still redirects you to the sso
> >> > server even though you are already authenticated via portal.
> >> > So this is the problem, has anyone got any ideas on what the solution
> >> > might be?Danny,
> >> I performed a test, starting with a public page, this works fine. I think
> >> there's something wrong with your configuration.
> >> Shakepeare.
> > Okay, here are the results of that query you suggested I ran:
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------
> > 92WCVH1H9BC43B23
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The reason that the first page is public is that unregistered users are
> > allowed access to certain pages in the portal and application (such as
> > the catalogue) however in order to buy something they have to be a
> > registered user (hence the need to authenticate if they try and
> > navigate to the cart page).
> > The system I am running this on is a vmware image installed on red hat
> > linux with app server 10.1.2 portal 10.1.4 and apex 2.2.
> > The only other work around I can think of is to have the entire app as
> > public. but then run a custom procedure for each page that requires
> > authentication that just checks if the user is logged on (using the
> > portal wwsec_api). That way I might avoid the sso nightmare! Have you
> > any thoughts on this?
> > Thanks
> > DannyLet's not give up so quickly! I think you will make your application a bit
> more complex doing this. Using the standard way of authentication, you can
> still swap to default apex authentication (for testing etc). If you change
> your app, this won't work anymore.
> So:
> Please check this: is your procedure
> wwv_flow_custom_auth_sso.process_success (in the FLOW_020200 schema on your
> apex database) valid?
> Could you check for any invalid objects in this database? Check using the
> system account, and all_objects where object_name like '%FLOW%'. I had some
> invalid public synonyms.
> In my configuration, I have url's like yours, but for the url's ending with
> /apex I have /apex/htmldb (which should not make a difference, but still...)
> When you ran regapp.sql, did you get any errors? In detail: did you prefix
> your siteid with HTML_DB? (like in your case:
> ?)
> And as a last resort: could you locate (on the apex http server) the file
> marvel.conf, and post it contents? It's somewhere in the modplsql
> directories.
> Looks like a lot of work, but I can learn from this too ;-)
> Shakespeare
> (what's in a flow?)- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text -

Im gonna look at this tomorrow now, with fresh (ish) eyes. I'll post all the info when I have it.

Once again thanks for taking the time to advise on this.

Danny Received on Thu Jan 04 2007 - 10:46:01 CST

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