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Hi faculties,
I have this query and the output it gives is as follows:
SQL> select rpad('*',2*level,'*') || ename name, sal,
(select sum(e2.sal) from emp e2 start with e2.empno = e1.empno connect by prior e2.mgr = e2.empno) tot_sal from emp e1 start with e1.mgr is null connect by prior empno = mgr; NAME SAL TOT_SAL ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
**KING 5000 5000
****JONES 2975 7975
******SCOTT 3000 10975
********ADAMS 1100 12075
******FORD 3000 10975
********SMITH 800 11775
****BLAKE 2850 7850
******ALLEN 1600 9450
******WARD 1250 9100
******MARTIN 1250 9100
******TURNER 1500 9350
******JAMES 950 8800
****CLARK 2450 7450
******MILLER 1300 8750
Here the total sum is displayed at the child level. Instead i want the sum of the parents and childs to be displayed at the root level and sublevels only. So the leaf level will show only its salary.The immediate parent should show the sum of its salary and the child's salary and so on till the root level. Can the existing be modified to achieve the desired results?
Thanks in advance
Received on Tue Dec 26 2006 - 06:20:01 CST