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Re: Why did rebuilding index fix our cache buffers chains latch issues

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 22:22:42 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Was the block the root block, a branch block, or a leaf block. If branch or leaf, was it a single block that was permanently hot, or did the hot block slowly move along the index ?

If you don't do deletes, then it should not have been possible for the index to be 90% empty unless it was created 90% (or more) empty in the last rebuild. There is a bug in 9i, however, which results in sequence-based indexes (or time-based indexes) with a key of less than about 32 bytes running at 50% empty because the "90/10" split doesn't appear when it should.

Which version of Oracle ?

Is it possible that you have some code that managed to do a number of large inserts followed by a rollback - as that might make it possible to engineer this effect at the branch block level ?

Are the indexes built in a tablespace using ASSM ?

Can we assume it is a simple B-tree index ?


Jonathan Lewis

The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ

Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals

<> wrote in message

>I know there are some Oracle performance tuning experts that post on
> this group and so I thought I would post this problem to see if you
> have any ideas.
> Our datawarehouse suddenly started getting all kinds of cache buffers
> chains latch waits. We went through the standard scripts from Metalink
> and books we have that say to look at v$latch_children and x$bh. We
> found a hot block on an index. We rebuilt the index. All of the latch
> issues went away.
> But why did they? I've read about cases with increasing key values
> (like from a sequence) where you will get a hot index block. But these
> cases involve deletes on the lower values of the key. This is that
> kind of index - a primary key which comes from a sequence. But, as far
> as I can tell, records are never deleted from this table. So, the
> index shouldn't be unbalanced in terms of having a bunch of leaf blocks
> that are mostly empty. And, rebuilding the index really shouldn't
> change much about its internal structure.
> The only remaining clue that I have is that the index shrank to about
> 10% of its size before the rebuild. Also, its last ddl time was two
> months ago, so maybe it was rebuilt it some wierd way in March and that
> caused it to have a hot block? Then our rebuilt made it normal again?
> I'm really puzzled.
> I may not have enough information to go on here, but I thought I would
> put it out there.
> Thanks,
> Bobby
Received on Thu May 25 2006 - 16:22:42 CDT

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