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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> QUESTION: Do standby db's still 'work' if they're shut down?
Hey, all.
I'm working through configuring a standby database under for reporting purposes.
It works, which is nice. I'm now just working through various scenarios to understand its behavior.
I ran some changes into my master, after having changed the listener port for the standby (and failing to update my tnsnames file). The master could not contact the standby.
This was unintentional, but I was going to test a scenario in which the recovery db was down for a while while changes were being run into the master.
The latest alert log entry in the standby indicates that it's waiting for thread 1 seq 5 - but the current log sequence on the master is 12.
Is this a scenario where I'd have to do a manual "archive gap" process? Is the standby just going to sit there idle until I resolve this externally? Received on Wed Apr 26 2006 - 12:50:59 CDT