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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Dependencies and invalidations.
On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 13:12:55 -0700, Vladimir M. Zakharychev wrote:
> SQL runs under the new plan. PL/SQL is not invalidated though, because
> syntactically and semantically your static SQL didn't change and that's
> all PL/SQL engine cares about. Dynamic SQL has to be parsed every
> time anyway - because it's dynamic and can change between execute
> calls - but if it can be soft-parsed, it is, so it may not pick up the
> new plan until it's aged out of the shared pool and then reloaded.
Vladimir, in my function, I have no dynamic SQL. Basically, what you are saying is that despite the fact that SQL engine invalidates SQL and throws the SQL from SGA, PL/SQL engine doesn't invalidate the underlying PL/SQL unit. It probably reparsed, the definition is updated but as long as the implied re-parsing is successful, the unit is not invalidated? Did I understand you correctly?
-- http://www.mgogala.comReceived on Mon Apr 24 2006 - 23:38:22 CDT