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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: questions on scalability
Dear Andrey,
unfortunately we have no information on the quality of the application's design, because we are just hosting it.
At the moment we would like to know what are the criteria that influence the hardware requirements, independent from the application itself. For example, if we know the number of transactions, what does this mean for which hardware components, e. g. CPU, RAM, etc. Is there something like a formula for this?
NetComrade wrote:
> If your application is not total crap (you have proper schema design,
> you have proper indices, you have tuned sql, you use bind variables,
> most of your SQL doesn't do more than 500 logical reads, you do as
> much with 1 SQL statement as possible), and you're building an OLTP
> type of an application with scalability in mind (read Tom Kyte's
> books), 2-4 CPU machines should be able to handle thousands to
> hundreds thousands of users concurrently.
> -andrey
> .......
> We run Oracle on RH4 AMD
> we are currently looking for a DBA
> remove NSPAM to email
Received on Mon Apr 24 2006 - 12:06:16 CDT