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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Dependencies and invalidations.
>My understanding was that SQL contained within the PL/SQL procedures was
>compiled, together with the execution plan. If that is the case, whenever
>SQL plan should change, PL/SQL should be invalidated.
No, not at all. SQL within PL/SQL is parsed when the PL/SQL object
executes it. A few steps are probably omitted though, namely,
objects validation and privilege checks (they are validated and checked
compile time, so there's no need to check them again on invocation.)
Plans are not stored with PL/SQL - there are outlines for this.
>If, on the other hand, SQL within PL/SQL units is dynamically re-parsed
>whenever the environment changes, the performance benefits of having
>stored procedures over executing anonymous scripts do not exist. Avoiding
>dynamic parsing was one of the biggest promised benefits of using stored
Well, not always. It's dynamically parsed on every invocation for
invoker rights PL/SQL only. For definer rights PL/SQL I believe it's
parsed once on first execution after the PL/SQL enters the library
because environment is fixed (stats excluded) at compile time and
doesn't change at runtime (if it does change, the dependent code is
invalidated.) Performance benefits come from various places: we avoid
expensive process of PL/SQL compilation (and it became even more
expensive in 10g with new optimizing compiler - everything has a price,
this new optimization is not free, too); we save on SQL parsing
by excluding accessibility/type checks on underlying objects (doesn't
apply to invoker rights PL/SQL); we can have PL/SQL compiled natively
excluding interpreter overhead at runtime.
Corrections and additions welcome.
Vladimir M. Zakharychev
N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm)
Received on Mon Apr 24 2006 - 00:24:33 CDT