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Re: Corrupt Control file

From: <>
Date: 23 Apr 2006 12:00:43 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Comments embedded. wrote:
> Thank you for your advise DBAs
> In linux or Solaris I rename my control file name and make new control
> file with touch command.

And that did what, exactly, except create an empty file with the desired name. Absolutely NO controlfile content of any kind. Who informed you this was the proper way to make a new controlfile? Certainly not anyone with experience.

SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace;

This generates a script in the $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/udump directory which will create new controlfiles. You would then edit and RUN this script as SYS as SYSDBA to generate a new set of controlfiles.

SQL> alter database backup controlfile to '<some fully-pathed filename>';

This will create a binary backup of your controlfile at the provided location. You would then copy this file to the destinations listed in the control_files init.ora parameter.

Had you used RMAN (which I sincerely doubt) you could also recover your controlfile from the most recent backup; I expect this is not possible as you haven't properly managed your site and haven't taken the time to perform such backups.

As it is, you have traded a POSSIBLY corrupt controlfile for a completely EMPTY file.

> but let me tell you,
> there is nothing in Alert File, No processes error generated and my
> database is also running without problem but error comes when I try to
> shutdown database.

Whatever error you may be generating is now the result of your own 'work'. Of course,it would be nice of you to report that error so we'd all know what trouble you've created.

> So Pls help here.

Call a qualified professional Oracle DBA. Possibly he or she can bail you out of this mess.

David Fitzjarrell Received on Sun Apr 23 2006 - 14:00:43 CDT

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