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On Sun, 09 Apr 2006 18:18:56 -0700, krichine wrote:
> specifically
> gives an example of how to use array bulk fetches.
This is MySQL example, for goodness sake! I'm complaining about
DBD::Oracle. What does MySQL have to with anything? I'm talking
specifically about calls DBI::bind_param_array and DBI::execute_array.
With DBD::Oracle, these calls are internally converted into loops.
This is the problem
use DBI;
my $INS="insert into TAB values (:A,:B,:C)";
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$db", $username, $passwd ) ||
die($DBI::errstr . "\n" );
my (@A,@B,@C);
my @stat;
my $sth=$dbh->parse($INS); $sth->bind_param_array(":A",\@A); $sth->bind_param_array(":B",\@B); $sth->bind_param_array(":C",\@C); $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => \@stat} );
With DBD::Oracle the last call will be broken into loop of
$sth->execute() calls with $DBI::err returned into the
corresponding @stat array element. Oracle can do that in a
single call. It's called "array interface" and it exists since
Oracle 6 which is 16 years old (appeared in 1990). As a matter of
fact, Oracle was the first database to have such an interface and
yet DBD:Oracle still doesn't support it. Any general purpose language
interface which doesn't support that feature can be deemed mediocre
at best.
In addition to that, I used to work with a table which had 933 million
rows and spanned more then 100GB. It was a table that contains claims for
a large national HMO in US. I think that any "fetchall" call on that table
would be an extremely interesting proposition, even if it went only after
the partition containing the data for the last quarter. I wish you good
luck with "fetchall" calls if you ever encounter such a monster. I believe
though that few guys on this group are working with monsters of that
magnitude or bigger on a daily basis.
-- http://www.mgogala.comReceived on Sun Apr 09 2006 - 22:30:43 CDT