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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Creating a table while loading data into it - possible?
I'm using VB to load data from one Access table into a destination table.
At the moment the destination table is also Microsoft Access, so it's a very simple matter of doing this:
SELECT * INTO tblDestination IN "C:\My Documents\RawData1.mdb" FROM tblSource
This command creates an entirely new table (entirely new database too I guess) and populates it from an existing table, all with 1 command.
What I want to do now is to make the destination table an Oracle table.
Is it possible to do the same thing with one command for Oracle? I can easily do it the hard way by reading the structure of my source table and creating a destination structure then finally populating it, but before getting stuck into that I thought I would just ask here if it is easier than that.
Dave Received on Sun Apr 09 2006 - 06:44:54 CDT