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Re: Intermittend ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found

From: Maxim Demenko <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:23:29 +0100
Message-ID: <4402d3f2$0$13779$>

Robert Klemme schrieb:
> Sybrand Bakker wrote:

>>On 24 Feb 2006 11:35:34 -0800, ""
>><> wrote:
>>>Second, it was explained that the
>>>error will occur if "processes" is set too low. Third, the parameter
>>>"processes" is derived from "parallel_max_servers" (indicated by
>>>online doc, and you cannot change it directly via EM).
>>Your understanding is incorrect. Processes doesn't derive from
>>parallel_max_servers at all.

> This is the documentation linked from the EM page:
> Property Description
> Parameter type Integer
> Default value Derived from PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS
> Modifiable No
> Range of values 6 to operating system-dependent
> Basic Yes
> Real Application Clusters Multiple instances can have different values.
> PROCESSES specifies the maximum number of operating system user
> processes that can simultaneously connect to Oracle. Its value should
> allow for all background processes such as locks, job queue processes,
> and parallel execution processes.
> The default values of the SESSIONS and TRANSACTIONS parameters are
> derived from this parameter. Therefore, if you change the value of
> PROCESSES, you should evaluate whether to adjust the values of those
> derived parameters.
> Kind regards
> robert

Sybrand is in my opinion correct.
First, the doc states "PROCESSES" is not derived from "PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS", but only its *default value* - it means, it take place only if you don't have the value for "PROCESSES" specified ( which is IMO anyway bad idea, especially, if you have more than one database on the machine - you should specify this parameter) Second, the from you cited description of "PROCESSES" is similar in the documentation 8i - 10gR1, but in 10gR2 default value is described as "40 to operating system-dependent".
I tested on 9.2 with parallel_max_servers set to 0,10,100,1000 and processes unset - got every time 30 as default value for processes. The same test on 10gR2 showed me 40 ( as per docs ). I'll check it for other plattforms/releases for sure, but i tend to believe right now - there is a documentation bug regarding default value for "PROCESSES" which is fixed in 10gR2.

Best regards

Maxim Received on Mon Feb 27 2006 - 04:23:29 CST

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