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Re: Intermittend ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found

From: <>
Date: 24 Feb 2006 11:35:34 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Frank van Bortel wrote:
> Robert Klemme wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > we have an Oracle 10 (version details below) on Linux (RHEL 4). When
> > connecting via JDBC we get intermittend ORA-12519 (reflected as TNS-12519
> > in listener.log). sqlldr also has a problem, although at the moment I
> > can't exactly determine whether it's the same (I'm guessing it is because
> > the happen about the same time).
> >
> > Research on the web revealed that a too low value for "processes" might be
> > the reason. (The other possible cause I found was non matching versions of
> > DB and client but this is not the case here.) So we increased DB param
> > "parallel_max_servers" to 200. Since the error still showed up we went up
> > to 400. It's been quiet since the last change of this parameter on
> > Tuesday but some minutes ago I got an email notification that the error
> > occurred again.
> >
> [snip]
> 12519, 00000, "TNS:no appropriate service handler found"
> // *Cause: The listener could not find any available service handlers that
> // are appropriate for the client connection.
> // *Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have
> // registered with the listener, and are accepting connections.
> And what does the manual say about parallel_max_servers?!?
> Parameter type Integer
> Default value Derived from the values of CPU_COUNT,
> Parameter class Static
> Range of values 0 to 3599
> Real Application Multiple instances must have
> Clusters the same value.
> Note:
> This parameter applies to parallel execution in exclusive mode as well
> as in the Oracle9i Real Application Clusters environment.
> PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS specifies the maximum number of parallel execution
> processes and parallel recovery processes for an instance. As demand
> increases, Oracle increases the number of processes from the number
> created at instance startup up to this value.
> If you set this parameter too low, some queries may not have a parallel
> execution process available to them during query processing. If you set
> it too high, memory resource shortages may occur during peak periods,
> which can degrade performance.
> Do you really think one has *anything* to do with the other?!?

Yes. First of all, the setup works normal most of the time, so the registration has actually taken place (this is true even after the intermittend failure). Also, the listener is local and firewall rules are ok (=> no network problems). Second, it was explained that the error will occur if "processes" is set too low. Third, the parameter "processes" is derived from "parallel_max_servers" (indicated by online doc, and you cannot change it directly via EM). Fourth, we actually saw an improvement because before we changed the value we saw the error more frequently.

> Instead of searching the web, you should read the manual.

How do you know I didn't?

> All manuals can be found at

Yes, I know.

robert Received on Fri Feb 24 2006 - 13:35:34 CST

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