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Re: Database or store to handle 30 Mb/sec and 40,000 inserts/sec

From: Noons <>
Date: 20 Feb 2006 19:37:00 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Serge Rielau wrote:

> Uncommitted read is just fine for anything statistical.

There are lies,
damn lies
and statistics...

> When mining a DSS or ODS system there is no need to get exact data.

Highly contingent on who you talking to. If I said that to my CIO, I'd probably be fired on the spot.

> Whether someone returned a pair of shoes or not is irrelevant for trend
> analysis.

But when you get an income from every click on a search engine and you also get charged by the engine for a followed link, believe me: every single last one of them is darn important.

> There are quite viable solutions for READ COMMITTED isolation level
> which have the exactly same concurrency behavior as Oracle's
> implementation of Snapshot Isolation.
> Declaring them worse or inadequate merely by virtue of not being the
> same is pretty intolerant.

Absolutely. I don't think anyone did.

> what MS has delivered. None of them, so far, has justified their claims
> on lack of scalability (beyond "it's new", it can't be trusted).

You haven't used SS much, have you? Trust me: I wouldn't touch anything "new" in it for a couple of releases... Goes for Oracle as well, BTW!

> Care to cough up some hard facts? Given that SQL Server 2000 is 6 years
> old and any Oracle product that age has been called "neolithic" by some
> posters in this group, it is much more interesting to compare the here
> and now that the history of any vendors perceived shortcoming.

I thought we were talking about SS2005 or whatever the blessed thing is called? Because 2000 is indeed pre-historic.

> So why is SQL Server 2005's implementation of Snapshot isolation bad?

I think Daniel has already mentioned a few results he's getting that seem to indicate a major impact on performance. To be expected. As I've said repeatedly here: every product is a "performance hero" until they are all asked to do exactly the same. Then we sort the real products from the amateur stuff. Received on Mon Feb 20 2006 - 21:37:00 CST

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