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Re: Has anyone duplicated a 10gR2 database (with tempfiles) using RMAN

From: Snewber <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 11:51:05 +1000
Message-ID: <dl8qi9$2joa$>

I'm currently only working in development for 10gR2 so I'm not pushed for time. It would be nice though to get duplication working correctly with tempfiles though since I would like to use RMAN exclusively for backups since 10g RMAN does file compression. I've checked and also posted on metalink but it seems that people haven't been using 10gR2 RMAN there either :(

Thanks for your reply as I think that it confirms that people haven't tried this yet or haven't found a solution.

I think that GOMS is widely known.

hpuxrac wrote:
> #Snewber wrote:
> #> I think that it is quite unusual that no one here seems to have done
> #> what I would think is a very common task, even the senior DBAs, and
> that
> #> is to duplicate a database. I realise that RMAN isn't the simplest
> of
> #> backup and recovery tools (for some of the advanced stuff) to use
> and so
> #> maybe this is why no one has done it?
> As far as I understand it, what you are attempting to do "is supposed"
> to be able to be accomplished in 10g release 2 via rman.
> It is certainly possible that this feature might work in some
> circumstances in 10.2 and not others. No idea if this might be port
> specific ( ie might work on sun but not on linux etc ).
> Many of us are not yet on 10.2 and a lot of us haven't had time to test
> out various features.
> Also, depending on your hardware environment ( we use EMC dasd ) there
> might be a lot of other hardware based tricks that are much faster at
> duplicating a database than going through rman.
> #> Thanks for the pointer about the second post, looks like I forgot
> about
> #> that one and hence the second post, sorry.
> No worries. Some of the people that respond to posts here like to
> grumble more than others. You do know about grumpy old man syndrome
> right?
> As Mr. Bakker pointed out metalink and working through oracle support
> might be a good approach if you are licensed for support.
Received on Sun Nov 13 2005 - 19:51:05 CST

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