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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> partition elimination vs query hints
I have a set tables partitioned by dates.
Could someone tell me which following query will get final result faster.
(A) using hints ( loop through all partitions within start/end date range )
foreach partitions that covered in the 'start date/end date' range select * from tableA partition (#1), tableB partition (#1)..... where and and between 'a start date' and 'a end date' ( note: the start and end date might beyond the range in the partiton.) end foreach.
(B) using partition elimination (no loop)
select * from tableA , tableB .....
where and and between 'a start date' and 'a end date'
I guess the main difference is that if oracle finds out there are N number of partitions in all the tables need to fulfill the query. it eliminates the rest of paritions. So it will do
N x N x N..... table join.
vesus in query (A).
I do
1 x 1 x 1...join and do it N times.
which one would be faster? Received on Wed Oct 27 2004 - 16:46:05 CDT