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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Strange problem - need to recompile a valid proc
"tangman" <> wrote in message
> Hi. Hope one of you can help. I am currently running 9i and do a
> nightly export of one database schema to another exactly configured
> db. When I acess one of the proc. in the target db using ASP, I would
> get an error msg ora-06550 . I traced the proc and it show as valid.
> To fix the problem, I would need to recompile that proc and just that
> one proc. Anyone knows where is the problem? Thanks.
The 06550 by itself is useless to help solve the problem. What is the rest of the error message? What is the code? I am guessing that the asp code user that is running the procedure in question does not have direct rights to an underlying object, and when you recompile it, you are recompiling it and running it as the owner of the object, or at least as someone who has direct rights, but that's a wild guess, being as there is not enough information provided. Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 11:45:14 CDT