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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Retrieve ORACLE_HOME setting from PL/SQL
> Maybe you'd care to elaborate why you'd want to do that? I'm having a hard
> time figuring out what good it'd do you.
we're running hundreds of oracle instances of various versions and
platform. To keep track of the versions, settings, etc. we've developed
a pl/sql package, which runs on each instance an collects a bunch of
data (e.g. version, datafile usage, downtimes, etc).
Now we'd like to collect the actual ORACLE_HOME, too.
Oratab is not really an option for we have a lot of instances on windows. Beside that, utl_file_dir would required a change on every singel instance plus a reboot.
Therefor I'd prefer that is accessible within the instance, a view, (hidden) parameter, etc.
I hope this information is sufficient.
Stephan Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 07:45:26 CDT