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Re: spfile vs pfile in 9i

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 05:34:41 +1000
Message-Id: <417c03c5$0$21982$>

DA Morgan wrote:

> Howard J. Rogers wrote:

>> DA Morgan wrote:
>>>don't disagree with a single byte you posted. But I think anyone that
>>>doesn't have concrete between their ears has been reading this thread
>>>and has got it by now.
>> You do know that Burleson is on record as saying that the spfile makes
>> every parameter dynamic, don't you?

> And Howard Rogers, Richard Foote, and numerous others are on record
> saying Burleson was wrong and have posted more than adequate
> demonstrations to support their belief.
>> Or, should I say, he once was on record to that effect, but probably he's
>> edited the relevant documents and pulled the relevant posts, so it will
>> be difficult to prove the point.

> Well one measure of a person is their ability to correct their mistakes.
> So I would hope he has corrected it. Proving that you were right and he
> was wrong is appropriate for the schoolyard. The most important thing is
> that when mythology is found it is exposed for those that need to know.

Daniel, do you seriously think I would sit here advocating that Burleson stay on record with fallacious crap?

The concern with Burleson is that he never version-enables his works. So you can pick up two pieces of his work, and see that they express totally different opinions... with no *explanation* of what might have changed his mind on the matter.

Burleson doesn't, in other words, research, read others and serendipitously come to different conclusions, updating his documents accordingly. He sanitised the record once he's been proved wrong, which is quite different.

I doubt Don even knows the meaning of the word "acknowledgement".

HJR Received on Sun Oct 24 2004 - 14:34:41 CDT

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