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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: poor man's partitioning
NetComrade wrote:
> All,
> How would you do hash partitioning on a table (e.g. you were running
> Standard edition).
> With range partitioning, I assume it's easy, just create a view on top
> of X tables (e.g. for every month).
> Thanks
> .......
> We use Oracle on Solaris 2.7 boxes
> remove NSPAM to email
Use a hash cluster (are they EE or SE?? I can't recall. But you certainly don't need the partitioning option to make them work). A Hash Cluster chops up a single table into multiple internal 'ranges' ( or 'hash buckets'), and a 'select where ID=763' gets optimised into 'ah, 763 would be stored in that part of the segment, so I won't bother looking at the other parts'. Whilst you are still eliminating bits of a segment from being scanned/searched, which is a bit like partition elimination, you are actually working with just one segment.
They can work extremely well.
Received on Thu Oct 21 2004 - 15:19:25 CDT