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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Quick (?) query re Statspack parse:execute ratio calculation (Thick DBA !)
I'm having a brain block at the moment, and I need a gentle reminder of
basic arithmetic :o)
I'm looking at a 20 minute Statspack report and I *know* I've got parsing problems (no binds etc) but, I'm puzzled by the 'Execute to Parse %' calculation.
Executions = 108,738
Parses total = 106,240
Calculation is 100 * (1 - parses/executions) which gives approx 2.30%.
I suppose the question is 'what the hell does that really mean?'.
If I want the percentage of parses to executions, I just use 100 * parse/executions and get 97.70% which immediately tells me that the application is crap because I want the figure to be a lot lower (I want 1 parse and 108,738 executions for example giving me 0.00092%) - I want parsing to be a tiny percentage of executions.
If I want the percentage of executions to parses, I use 100 *
executions/parses and get 102.35% which tells me that the application is
still crap because I want executions to be very large percentage
(108,738/1 * 100 = 10,873,800%).
So, why all the subtractions from 1 ?
(Please be gentle !)
Received on Thu Oct 14 2004 - 05:52:00 CDT