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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> [ORA10g] Problems with Restore/recover
I am currently configuring an Oracle10 database so our application
does work under Oracle 10. So i did configure archiving and rman. I
want to mention here that i did configure rman to use the flashback
area. I did a online backup. All worked. Now i want to test
recover/restore and just moved the datafiles away. Reading the
Oracle-documentation on this (Whole Database Restore and Recovery):
> To restore and recover the database when the current control file is available:
> 1. After connecting to the target database, make sure the database is mounted.
First the controlfile is not available. I want to recover it. Because i use oracle managed files and flashback area i don't have set autobackup format.
so i tried something like (used the correct DBID)
>RMAN> SET DBID 320066378;
but i omit 'set controlfile autobackup format ... ' but get an not connected error. Trying to connect always results in an ORA-12560 error (i tried different things like setting ORALCE_SID followed by connect / as sysdba, but in this scenario they didn't work). When the database is running a 'connect / as sysdba' was no problem). Under Oracle 9i.2 this was sometimes problematic too, but worked somehow.
So can someone point me to the correct actions? I assume i have to log into the nonexisting database first (entries in tnsnames.ora and listener.ora are still there and worked fine unless i moved the database files). How do i do this (with connect / as sysdba)? How do i restore the controlfile if i use the flashback area (setting the dbid and then do a simple 'restore controlfile from autobackup')?
Maybe its a problem that i have both Oracle 10 and Oracle 9 on the same WinXP-machine?
Volker Received on Mon Oct 11 2004 - 11:41:24 CDT