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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Create a view using OUT values from a procedure - how?
Another thought occurred to me, and I don't know why I didn't think of
it before:
Create view student.v_grades
(str_student, studentID, str_higrade, str_lowgrade)
Select v.student, v.studentID, substr(v.mypackedvals, 1,
instr(v.mypackedvals, ':') -1), substr(v.mypackedvals,
instr(v.mypackedvals, ':') +1) from
(Select studentdb.student,
Studentdb.studentID, mycomplicatedfunction(myval) as mypackedvalsFROM studentdb
This should provide only one call to the function, and allow you to parse the various values from the returned string.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Fri Oct 08 2004 - 13:27:31 CDT