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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Linux+Oracle performance problem!
Marek wrote:
> Hello!
> I've just installed Oracle 9.2 from Linux(64Bit) on Mandrake 10 (2xAMD64 +
> 2GB RAM) with kernel appropriate compiled.
> Linux goes good, but Oracle has proble with performance - its newer can go
> more then 15% of processors usage.
> If one user run heavy SQL query - server occupy 15%, if two users - obout
> 7 % per query, and so on ....
> What ans where should I configure do to run Oracle on 100% processor usage
> ???
> Best regards
> Marek.
This sounds suspiciously like a production environment... and I find it difficult to believe that anyone would have actually installed Oracle on Mandrake in a production environment.
It's a totally non-certified, unsupported platform, and you are very much on your own.
So if you discover that Oracle is somehow artificially restricted in the amount of CPU it can consume, it's not really to be wondered at. On the other hand, "never" going beyond 15% is a big claim to make... some details of how much testing you've done to back that claim up would be needed before it is entirely credible. What sort of workload are your sessions throwing at the database? How do you know that your sessions don't actually need more than 15% of the CPU?
Usual performance tuning rules apply: statspack, oraperf, wait states.
And get a certified combination of O/S and Oracle version.
Received on Fri Oct 08 2004 - 02:16:57 CDT