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Re: Periodic restart plusses and minuses?

From: Hans Forbrich <>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 03:59:17 GMT
Message-ID: <pgo9d.44242$N%.20734@edtnps84>

Joel Garry wrote:

> Hans Forbrich <> wrote in message
> news:<KDK8d.32806$N%.31956_at_edtnps84>...
>> I'd been listening with a moderate amount of amusement, but it's now
>> getting out of hand ... (9iR2 & W2K)
>> One of the local DBAs has his heart set on nightly shutdowns to do cold
>> backups. Another DBA wants to go for online backups. (Archive logging
>> is up and active.)
>> The debate has gone all over silly territory and back and is now at:
>> "Shutting down the database will waste all the automatic tuning benefits
>> achieved from the system finding stability in the cache, etc.. It can
>> take hours, even months to get the system stable."
> might be an argument against shutting down, and for creating OMS. And
> as long as you have that, you might as well have an RMAN catalog, and
> all that other management stuff and modern features.
>> Does anyone have pointers to documents, white papers, books, web sites,
>> metalink note, etc. that I can drop on their desks to move them off this
>> 'shutdown detunes the database' discussion?
> might shift the conversation over to "gee, I'd sure like to have these
> features."
> Like corrupt block detection, and
> avoiding fractured block issues while still being able to run
> overnight/month-end reports or other things that a growing business
> might run into.
>> Due to politics, I will not provide an opinion or even make a supportable
>> statement in either direction. This needs to be an external (to me)
>> reference, and preferrably not an unsupported anecdote.
>> (Once they're over this, I hope the discussion can get back to a pure
>> business benefits discussion!)
>> Thanks in Advance for helping control the local noise pollution!
>> /Hans
> I'm with Mark on the nightly RMANs and weekly cold's, it seems to
> cover most situations.
> jg

Thanks all. I got the diversion I needed to get them back on track.

From Howard's response I realized the core was a 'tuning by ratios' discussion. I printed off some of the NG's thread around the 'value of ratio-based tuning' [ ;-Q ] from a few months ago. That diverted their attention and the discussion is now proceeding smoothly toward RMAN and nightly warms.

/Hans Received on Thu Oct 07 2004 - 22:59:17 CDT

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