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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: URGENT: Migrating Locally Managed Tablespaces to DICTIONARY!!!!
"Jonathan Lewis" <> wrote in message news:<ck3lc3$n3r$>...
> Since the SYSTEM tablespace is LMT, you
> cannot migrate anything to DMT (you can only
> have read-only DMTs on a database with an
> However, you could create a barebones database
> with a DMT for SYSTEM, and use transportable
> tablespaces to transport all the files from the old
> databases to the new - then migrate them to DMT
> after they arrive.
Or even not physically move them, just read-only, generate TTS on old db, plug into new db, create new DMT in new db and ctas the tables:
Still wondering what the problems with LMT's are.
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