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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Create a view using OUT values from a procedure - how?
Hi, I¡¦m creating a view and would like to have two of the columns to contain data obtained from a procedure which has two out values. I'm using Oracle 9.2
For example
Create view student.v_grades
(str_student, studentID, str_higrade, str_lowgrade)
Select studentdb.student,
/* How do I get student grades from the procedure */
FROM studentdb
e.g. procedure:
Create Procedure PR_getgrades(
P_higrade OUT VARCHAR2, P_lowgrade OUT VARCHAR2 P_studentID IN Number)
P_higrade := result1;
P_lowgrade :=result2;
END PR_getgrades;
Mike Received on Thu Oct 07 2004 - 14:38:15 CDT