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Re: Oracle 9i/10g + Suse Linux 9.1 Professional

From: Keg <>
Date: 3 Oct 2004 11:41:50 -0700
Message-ID: <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Simple question and I'm sure it's been answered but I can't find the
> info anywhere, so here goes. Will Oracle 10g run on the Suse Linux
> 9.1 Professional edition, even though Oracle apparently don't
> specifically mention that it will.
> I'm just looking to experiment a little but I'm loath (read as 'not
> able to') to spend £1300+ on the Suse Linux Enterprise Edition!
> If it will run, am I likely to have major missing chunks?
> Again, my apologies if this is an FAQ - a pointer to the previous
> answer if any will be great.
> Thanks.
> JR

I had a lot of oddities trying to run 10g on SuSE. Version 9.1 is the first version of SuSE I have ever had oracle problems with (although I skipped the 9.0 releasae), I eventually had to revert to Fedora Core 2. (Which has it's issues as well but I was at least able to find solutions and work-arounds for the problems I was having)

I am planning on migrating our Solaris 9 64-bit-Oracle databases to SuSE 9x on AMD64 and Oracle 10g in the next 12 months so I am hoping Oracle certification on SuSE 9.x with the 2.6x kernel is coming....

If anyone is using Oralce 9i or 10g enterprise on SuSE 9.1 (and actually using the enterprise features) and is not having any issues, please post a quick howto on what you did to work-around the various issues. Also, please note if your database is merely a personal development box or is actually under an enterprise load, since this makes all the difference in the world on Linux it appears.

Most of the problems with Oracle on Linux stem from how quickly and how drastically changes to glibc and the kernel occur. There needs to be much more standardization on the Linux platform in order for enterprise software to keep up. However, Oracle is doing a damn good job IMHO.

rhugga Received on Sun Oct 03 2004 - 13:41:50 CDT

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