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Re: backup - openVMS 7.3-1 and Oracle 8.1.7

From: Mario <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 11:38:21 +0200
Message-ID: <cdldfm$fud$>

Hi guys,

thank you everyone.

Nothing is wrong with RMAN. The only issue is that I have never used it. I have stopped work with the Oracle on version 7 when RMAN did not exist. At the moment we are installing some hardware equipment at the customer site (storage) and I have discovered that customer do a backup only through the export. I have suggested that they should reconsider their backup strategy. Obviously, they have not been in position to do a recovery :o).

They have a SAN environment. Backup device is a MSL library with two Ultrium2 drives. Everything works over 2Gb Fibre channel.

Our suggestion is that they should use some standard backup software e.g. HP Data Protector, CA or something similar. Also, they would like to test online backup before they buy anything. So, my plan is to use as a first thing RMAN without catalog just to show them how it works. But, as far as I know Data Protecor use RMAN with the catalog. Correct me if I am wrong.

 So, right now I am testing and learning RMAN features :o).

After that, the will decide what to do next.

Of course, my first suggestion was that they should find someone who is experienced Oracle DBA :). At the moment, guy who works as an administrator on OpenVMS is also an Oracle administrator.

Perhaps, my plan is not so good, but at the moment I can not find anything better :o(.

If you have suggestions or you have some scripts that can be adopted with your permission, they are welcome. You will save my time :o).

Anyway, thank you once again for your time.


"Michael Austin" <> wrote in message news:40bLc.16434$
> Mario wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > please, do you know any good site where I can find information about
> > on the OpenVMS platform? The Oracle documentation is good, but others
> > sources are always welcome. The most interesting themes are backup
> > procedures. I am not experienced user on the OpenVMS, but I have some
> > experience with Oracle on other platforms (HPUX, Wintel).
> >
> > Backup should be taken as a hot backup and it should be done without any
> > special backup software.
> >
> > As a next step, we would like to try Data Protector installed on HPUX as
> > Cell Manager.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Mario.
> >
> >
> >
> What is wrong with RMAN? I know of a site that has over 200 databases on
> that utilizes RMAN (now where did I put those scripts???) (databases are
> primarily 8i and some 9i)
> An important question would be where is the backup currently going.
> that utilizes the network as a backup medium is utterly ridiculous as
> direct-to-tape - especially if you have databases of any significant size.
> to mention the restore time would be totally unacceptable. Using RMAN, I
> see a 750+GB database restored and operational from a disk-to-disk backup
> just over 3 hours. This same backup restored from tape or over the
> would have been 40+ hours. Been there, done that!
> Use RMAN. It works and works well. Also these numbers more than justifies
> having sufficient backup space to contain 2 full and 7 incrementals using
> Remember, this only backs up space used, not space allocated.
> --
> Michael Austin.
> Consultant - Available. OpenVMS Expert and Oracle DBA - yes I do **ix
> Donations welcomed.
> :)
Received on Wed Jul 21 2004 - 04:38:21 CDT

Original text of this message