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Re: Very long "WHERE" list.

From: s.kapitza <>
Date: 10 Jul 2004 00:35:50 -0700
Message-ID: <>

"Mikito Harakiri" <> wrote in message news:<zOGHc.30$>...
> "Daniel Morgan" <> wrote in message
> news:1089417913.117742_at_yasure...
> > Mikito Harakiri wrote:
> > > "Daniel Morgan" <> wrote in message
> > > news:1089413739.39227_at_yasure...
> > > No, it is not a job of a server to tell the client that his SQL query is
> > > stupid. Oracle never raizes an exception when a user submits a statement
> > > that has 20 tables with no join condition (Cartesian Product). It humbly
> > > tries to execute the statement (and fails at runtime).
> > >
> > > Handling long in-list is not something terribly difficult to implement.
> And
> > > it would save user some time when he naturally would invent gimmics like
> > > splitting long list into smaller pieces and concateneted predicates with
> OR
> > > condition.
> > >
> > > In general, ad-hock limitations like "the list can't be bigger than 1000
> > > elements" (which oracle generously spiced its implementation) look
> > > ridiculous.
> >
> > When you get into a car do you expect the car to tell you that you are
> > too drunk to drive?
> >
> > If you walked into a hospital surgical theatre would you expect the
> > scalpel to tell you that you are wholly unqualified to be a surgeon?
> >
> > Why is it the databases responsibility to tell you that you don't
> > understand how to design and implement a relational design?
> >
> > Why is it Oracle's responsibility to tell you that you should be
> > flipping burgers not bytes?
> I don't understand. Did you switch sides, or is there some sarcasm that I'm
> missing?
> Plain and simple. Oracle responsibility is to implement what users want. It
> appears that they want long in-list. Now, please enlighten me why list of 1,
> 10, and 100 elements is OK, but list of 1000 elements is not?
> According to some twisted logic, an equivalent query splitting list of 1000
> elements into smaller list and concatenating them is perfectly legal to
> execute. If you are in denial, then please be concistent and don't allow it
> as well.

"Users" have to look up database limits before asking "Oracle" to do something .

the limit for SQL-Statements is 64 K .


with 1000 elements this give you approx. avg. 64 byte per item with 2000 ... etc.

i guess this is going to be an application which works but doesn't.

my 2 cents.


s.kapitza Received on Sat Jul 10 2004 - 02:35:50 CDT

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