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Re: Recovery Issue

From: Joel Garry <>
Date: 9 Jul 2004 15:25:29 -0700
Message-ID: <> (tjo) wrote in message news:<>...
> (Joel Garry) wrote in message news:<>...
> > (tjo) wrote in message news:<>...
> > > Recently I received a system that had 3 partitions C, D, E. The
> > > operating system was on the C partition and the Oracle database
> > > (8.1.7) was on the E partition. The Operating system had major issues
> > > and was unable to boot, so I formatted the C partition and loaded
> > > Windows 2000.
> > >
> > > Nothing was done to E partition, if I wanted to install Oracle on the
> > > D partition would it be possible to recover the data from E? If so,
> > > how would I go about accomplishing this task?
> >
> > It kinda depends on whether any of your database was not on E. You
> > may indeed be able to simply install oracle on D and ORADIM your way
> > to success.
> >
> > If part of your database was not on E, you may be hosed (unless you
> > have some proper backups). Look to see if E has some files with
> > SYSTEM, CONTROL or REDO in their name. If you don't have any one of
> > those, hosed (although it is possible they have used different names,
> > it is unlikely). Also, if your %ORACLE_HOME% was lost and happened to
> > have the pfile and such under it, you may need to know a fair amount
> > of Oracle basics to get things going - look for folders named pfile
> > and bdump, perhaps under a folder named as your instance name, and
> > look for network\admin. In general, people are encouraged to spread
> > things out among disks if possible, you may be lucky if that had been
> > ignored.
> >
> > Then there's that registry...
> >
> > jg
> Looks like I'm in luck the control, redo, and system files are all
> there as well as the pfile and bdump directory. With that in mind,
> could you point me in the direction I should research to recover the
> data?
> tjo

0. Backup everything you can and keep it elsewhere. Including the registry.
1. Install Oracle, as the same user that originally installed it. Don't create a db.
2. Look up the ORADIM command in the docs and google for examples here. if you have support gives fairly exact instructions. I highly recommend having support.
3. Use the ORADIM command from a dos window. Recreate Oracle services and start it up with ORADIM.

4.  If you get error messages you don't understand, figure them out.
5.  Find the alert log and look for other error messages.
6.  Hire a dba.  Maybe that should have been step -1.

Note that the word "recover" has specific meaning in Oracle, probably different than what you mean. What do you mean? Be able to extract data? Get things working as a server the way they were before?

Oh, I forgot to ask, was your ORACLE_HOME originally installed on E:? I just assumed it was on C: or D: from your post. If it was on E:, you might just have to dink with the registry. There's docs on Oracle registry settings somewhere. (Here's the 9 one, which I'm sure is different, dunno where the 8 is: ). The home is where there is a bin directory with things like oracle.exe in it.


-- is bogus.
Received on Fri Jul 09 2004 - 17:25:29 CDT

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