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Re: I hate OTN now (and Metalink's searches)

From: Van Messner <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 09:24:20 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Put me down for whatever number you're up to. Metalink searching has always been a bit of an embarrassment for a database company that touts its ability to store documents and to search them. The new interface is really lame.

"Frank van Bortel" <> wrote in message news:c417av$fvm$
> Dusan Bolek wrote:
> > Brian Peasland <> wrote in message
> >
> >>{rant on}
> >>
> >>Why oh why did OTN decide to bury the links to the docs way down in the
> >>lower right hand corner of the page? It was hard enough to get people to
> >>access the docs when it was an easy click from the top of the page. Now
> >>I have to scroll down to the bottom, pull down a menu, and select an
> >>item.
> >>
> >>{rant off}
> >>
> >>{rant on 2}
> >>
> >>Why oh why did Metalink decide to "improve" my searching by getting rid
> >>of the quick search ability from the home page? Now I have to click on a
> >>button to get to advanced searching.
> >>
> >>{rant off 2}
> >
> >
> > And another rant. Are others here satisfied with Metalink search
> > engine? I would prefer Google search instead of Oracle's. In all cases
> > when I try to find something in the beginning are useless docs,
> > usually some patches for VMS or for Oracle Application. Strange is
> > that when I looked into them from curiosity, there was not a single
> > occurence of any of my words used in the search. :-(
> >
> > --
> > Dusan Bolek
> >
> > Email:
> > Pls add "Not Guilty" to the subject, otherwise your email is going to
> > be burnt as a SPAM.
> Add me to the "no I don't want the new-and-all-improved Metalink list"
> And the search engine got worse on top of that; I managed to get about
> what I wanted with a few words and restrictions (e.g. platform), but
> the last search I did on a clients behalf (AIX), gave me Win2k
> SPECIFIC bugs. Go figure!
> --
> Regards,
> Frank van Bortel
Received on Fri Mar 26 2004 - 08:24:20 CST

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