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Re: Looking for a good way to convert from dictionnary manged TBS to Locally managed ones

From: Sybrand Bakker <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 20:23:06 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Comments embedded

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:38:57 -0500, "Bib Endum" <> wrote:

>We are in the process of putting all our segments in locally managed
>tablespaces (Uniform Sizes) to get rid of tablespace fragmentation and get
>better performance. We are on oracle, standard edition. Databases
>are in archivelog mode, these are small databases, in the order of 15-20 Gb
>We do not want to use the DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package to do so because the
>allocation type is going to be USER and we want the UNIFORM type.

It has been argued and demonstrated here that UNIFORM is of little use and AUTOALLOCATE is the way to go, as this will make sure all extents are properly sized.

>I plan to first categorize all my tables and index accross a specific set of
>extents sizes (Eg: 64K, 128K, 512K, 2M, 10M, if anyone has a suggestion
>about what size they use, you're welcome) and then have some sort of program
>that will generate a matrix of "what goes where" (And eventually ALTER
>TABLE MOVE and ALTER INDEX rebuild commands to put stuff in the right
>UNIFORM LMT tablespace) We will probably have to mess around with various
>other objects (LOBS, Intermedia Indexes, Rollback TS) but this can be done
>Is there a way on the STANDARD edition of the database to do this while the
>database is actively in use ? (I could do that on low activity period tough)
>? I'm planning to proceed in small steps, not doing the whole database in
>one shot.

The best way to do this however, is exp/imp, so the database in one shot.
>Am I right that in the STANDARD edition, if I move a table or rebuild an
>index, it will be unavailable while the operation is in progress ? What
>happens then ? Transactions are held as if the underlying tables were locked
>? Apart for sluggish performance, will the users transactions fail miserably

If there is an exclusive 'parse' lock on an object, other transaction will fail of course.
If the object to be rebuilt is in use, the rebuild will fail.

>Has anyone in this newgroup done something similar ?
>Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
>And YES, I have RTFM and researched this stuff before, I just want to know
>if if is easily feasible, or if I risk destroying/corrupting something in
>the process. I will take a cold backup before I begin, but should I take
>cold backups from time to time (After each major steps) or hot backups would
>suffice ?
>Thanks for your time. And sorry for my bad english.

Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
Received on Thu Mar 18 2004 - 13:23:06 CST

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