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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Killing an user from the user
feei Shun,
Some sessions dont go off so easily.
They will be marked as killed and will be cleared on later by PMON or
If the killed session has done a big transaction, you can see the
rollback of the transaction activity by using this query. (How much is
being rolled back etc).
select ktuxeusn,ktuxeslt,ktuxesqn,ktuxesiz
from x$ktuxe
where ktuxecfl='DEAD'
select pid,state,undoblocksdone
from v$fast_start_servers
select usn,state,undoblockstotal,undoblocksdone,cputime
from v$fast_start_transactions
set feedback on
Sometimes the session may be doing a large sort and hogging up a lot
of CPU.
Then i find it better to kill the server background process relating
to that session.
After killing the session at Oracle level using alter session, you can use this query to find and kill the background server process associated with the dead session.
col cprogram form a30 trunc head "Client|Program"
col sprogram form a30 trunc head "Server|Program"
col sid form 9999
col pid form 9999
col process head "Client|Process|ID" form a10
col spid head "Oracle|Background|ProcessID" form 99999
select a.sid,,a.program cprogram,a.process,b.program
from v$session a,v$process b
where a.paddr(+)=b.addr
and b.addr not in(
select paddr
from v$bgprocess)
and b.addr not in(
select paddr
from v$dispatcher)
and b.addr not in(
select paddr
from v$shared_server)
and a.sid is null
and b.program <> 'PSEUDO'
Received on Fri Mar 05 2004 - 05:15:28 CST