Sorry Nial...... for not responding. WIN NT Oracle 8i
I appreciate your advice .....
I tried the following:
" alter database recover automatic standby database until cancel; "
" alter database recover cancel; "
The database still hangs after the " automatic recover " command
waiting for the log file which is not available yet.
Can only continue the script by the manual " cancel " and that is
what I want to prevent. It has to run unattended.
You told in an earlier mail that it is not hanging in your
environment. How is this possible?
"Niall Litchfield" <> wrote in message news:<4044eda8$0$10131$>...
> did you get anywhere?
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
> Audit Commission UK
> *****************************************
> Please include version and platform
> and SQL where applicable
> It makes life easier and increases the
> likelihood of a good answer
> ******************************************
> <ITAPORT06> wrote in message
> > Thanks will test it tomorrow and will come back with the result.
> >
> > Sybrand I was not sure with your " NOT Possible " reply if undertood
> > my goal well (maybe you did)
> >
> > In short terms I want to give the CANCEL in the script as a answer for
> > RECOVER AUTOMATIC STANDBY DATABASE command so the script can continue
> > to set the dastabase into the " Standby Managed " mode after it has
> > applied the manual shipped log files.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
Received on Wed Mar 03 2004 - 09:02:09 CST