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Re: Auditing: Trigger or Audit_Trail?

From: Teresa Redmond <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 17:34:36 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 23:17:27 +0000, in, Pete Finnigan <> scribbled:

>You might find useful my paper "An introduction to simple Oracle
>auditing" from - it shows how to
>turn on audit, review what's turned on and includes some sample queries
>to check for abuse. With what you are doing i would go for kernel
>features and the basic audit commands rather than triggers. Its better
>resource wise. Also should you want to go to more detail you could
>consider fine grained audit as its performs better than triggers.

I started working through the examples and realized that I had done them a month ago when I started researching doing this. Good stuff! But I found that I wanted less auditing and on different things, so went looking for other ideas, not realizing you had more there I could look at. I did learn a LOT from that page.

I'm reading through (and working examples) your Row Level Security ( and have found one thing that did not work for me:

SQL> begin

  2     dbms_rls.add_policy(
  3             object_schema => 'VPD',
  4             object_name => 'TRANSACTIONS',
  5             policy_name => 'VPD_TEST_POLICY',
  6             function_schema => 'VPD',
  7             policy_function => 'VPD_POLICY.VPD_PREDICATE',
  8             statement_types => 'select, insert, update, delete',
  9             update_check => TRUE,
 10             enable => TRUE,
 11             static_policy => FALSE);
 12 end;
 13 /

Thanks for providing this: "The package prototype can be found in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmsrlsa.sql where details of the API calls can be seen." I found the file and found that mine has one less parameter than yours, mine does not have the final parameter. I am leaving this out for my work on your examples, but I don't know how this will affect them or what I would like to eventually do. Maybe my using 8.1.5 is the difference? Oh, and I can't use that final '/' mark you guys use at the end of your code sections, I get compile errors when I do. Any idea why?

I really like these examples, this is one other thing I wanted to do with the database. Thank you so much for putting it out there! I have a LOT of reading to do!

Teresa Redmond
Programmer/Analyst III
Anteon Corporation
tredmond at anteon dot com
Received on Tue Mar 02 2004 - 11:34:36 CST

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