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Certainly, I charge $100 per hour US for this type of work. Do you want to
hire me for your homework?
<> wrote in message
> Customer
> · Every customer must have a unique customer number and should be
> computer generated.
> · Every customer must have a unique Social Security Number. No two
> customers can have the same number.
> · Every Customer must have a last name, first name and address
> · Customer number must be automatically generated.
> · One customer may have many accounts
> Account
> · Every account must have a unique number and should be computer
> generated.
> · Every account must belong to a customer and have a valid account
> type designated (Saving, Checking, Credit, CD, Fixed Loan)
> · Every account type is specified by an option of fixed/variable
> interest rate.
> · Checking and Savings accounts must not have a balance less than zero
> · Credit account should have a credit line designated.
> Transaction
> · Every transaction has a unique number. The number should be computer
> generated.
> · One transaction can have more than one detail transactions. For
> example closing and transfer account transaction. For closing account,
> the transaction may include interest calculation and withdrawal detail
> transaction. For transfer account, the transaction includes transfer
> from one account to another account, which comprises of two detail
> transactions.
> · One detail transaction must be applied only on one account number.
> · No transaction can be applied on a closed account.
> · Taking out fund from an account should be inserted as a transaction
> with a negative amount and vice versa for deposit transaction.
> 1. Designing Entity Relationship Diagram and Logical Design (
> dependency diagram and normalization <optional>)
> 2. Business Rules
> 3. Creating SQL Scripts for table creations and data inserts
> 4. Creating stored procedures for:
> - Entering Transaction: Withdrawal, Deposit, Transfer, Closing Account
> - Daily compounded interest calculation
> 5. Creating Triggers to automatically update the current balance of
> each account transaction.
> 6. Creating SQL reports
> An entity relationship model or diagram was created based on the
> needs, constraints and business rules of C/S Bank to ensure
> referential and data integrity. With the use of a SQL, a stored
> procedure was written that calculates any interest accrued on
> checking, savings or credit card accounts. A stored procedure was
> written that charges various maintenance fees on a monthly basis. A
> test database with multiple sets of sample data was loaded into the
> system to insure proper function. One such set of sample data was
> purposefully populated with data outside the constraints developed by
> C/S Bank to ensure proper data integrity and normalization of the
> first three levels were achieved.
> I really need help! I was if i needed help that these groups can get
> help for you, well i am fellow programmer in need of help can someone
> please help. I am new to the world of Oracle. Thanks
Received on Mon Aug 25 2003 - 09:25:52 CDT