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c.d.o.server: by subject
- 9i R2 database vs. 9i R2 Forms Developer PL/SQL compatibility
- Advanced SQL Programming Book Recommendation
- Archieval of data
- Compare table structures between two schema
- data encryption triple DES ( 3DES)
- Database Server Vs. Application Servers - Processing Location
- Database Server Vs. Application Servers - Processing Location - Regional vs. Global
- Datatype in stored functions
- Enqueue Diagnosis
- Export, Create, Import Users
- German characters äöü etc.
- Graphical tool for displaying locks
- How to disable dynamic registration?
- I am trying to install Oracle 8.1.5 on Windows2003.
- Incremental indexing in Oracle Text
- Is 9.2.02 compatible with 9.2.03???..............................TIA.
- make file for pro*c
- Merge problem
- MTS not workin ??
- OCFS and standby-redo-log
- OCP for oracle 9i
- ora-01194 file 1 needs more recovery - After Blackout
- Oracle Install Matrix
- Oracle Recovery Scenarios
- OT : Australian Rugby books available now !
- Privilege problem
- Problem with a combination of Windows 2K Service Pack 4, Oracle 9i, ASP and ADO.
- Problems with '@' on remote SQL*Plus Worksheet
- Question of DBMS_RLS and Bind variables
- Question on Hierarchy
- Request for refetence - incremental offline backups using RMAN
- schema health check
- sql works in access, doesnt work in oracle
- technical wet dreams and SQL fantasies
- Tnslistener dying with 9.2 on Win XP Pro
- using OCIRowidToChar
- Last message date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 23:40:19 CDT
- Archived on: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 16:42:46 CDT