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Re: restructing tables in new tablespaces - advice

From: Richard Foote <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 10:04:13 GMT
Message-ID: <xY2_a.29623$>

"Chuck" <> wrote in message news:Xns93D47FFC912A0chuckhsofthomenet_at_130.133.1.4...
> "Steven" <> wrote in
> news:bh8f0u$v69sf$
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have to restructure the tables in our database and am wondering the
> > best way to structure the tables. Current the tables are ordered by
> > application in separate tablespaces. But I now want to use UNIFORM
> > tablespaces. Thus I am wondering if I should separate the tables by
> > size as some tables are 1-2 MB and other 80-300MB. does it make sense
> > or not worth the effort??
> >
> > Does anyone have any advice on this??
> >
> Definetely separate by size. I typically create tablespaces with names
> that reflect the extent size like data32k, data1m, data50m, index1m, etc.
> If you size your extents based on how fast the segment grows, it will
> also help you predict when the tablespace will need to be extended. If I
> have a segment that grows at 1m per day, I would make the extent size at
> least 4m. That way I can run nightly reports showing which segments
> cannot extend and when that segment appears on the report I know I've got
> at least 4 days before it's going to fail.

Hi Chuck,

Separating segments by size as you suggest made sense with DMT but in the not so new world of LMT, it's kinda redundant. But it's still a legacy that refuses to go away, probably because it's still being hailed as necessary by (so-called) experts and probably because of Oracle itself with regard to how it manages LMT with the autoallocate option using a similar algorithm. Having a tablespace with a uniform extent of 1M and a tablespace with a uniform size of 50M suggests that somewhat over 50 extents is an issue (why else separate them and why else go to the considerable trouble of moving a segment from one tablespace to the other when you get it wrong). And of course having an issue with 50 extents is a nonsense, as it is with 500 extents, as it is with 5000 extents...

In fact if you can show me a segment that has an issue with the *number* of extents, I'll show you a segment that should either be partitioned (preferably) or a segment that should be stored in it's own tablespace.

From a reporting point of view, it's not too hard to monitor segments that have unexpected growth characteristics or tablespaces that have space issues or to write a report exactly as you describe. It really isn't. Not if the tablespaces themselves are reasonably sized.

It really is time someone wrote a paper called "How to Stop Fragmentation and Start Living In the 21st Century" !!

There's a thought ;)


Richard Received on Tue Aug 12 2003 - 05:04:13 CDT

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