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Re: A kind of... benchmark?

From: Phil <>
Date: 7 Aug 2003 20:13:18 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Rick Denoire <> wrote in message news:<>...


> I really don't understand why you guys get that philosophical. As I
> explained, my only concern was to gain OBJECTIVE, REPRODUCIBLE,
> ARTIFICIALLY consistent metrics about how a number of typical
> operations in a database performs.
> To put it simple, let's assume that I want to assess the effect of
> using locally managed tablespaces instead of dictionary managed. Why
> the hell would it be senseless to run such a benchmak in databases
> with corresonding tablespaces and compare the results?
> Even simpler. If we purchased a new server - something totally
> different (OS, Harddisks, CPU) and we were asked by the managers (who
> understand NOTHING about databases) how much faster this system is, I
> could tell them based on the benchmark. Then, they would know if
> spending the money was a right decision.
> The simplest case. Run the benchmark. Reorganize the database. Rerun
> the benchmark. Kill a myth or stick at it.
> Run the benchmark. Setup parallelism. Rerun the benchmark. Got it?
> By the way, your answers disrespect my declared intention. OK, you
> wouldn't use such a benchmark. But I would, so if you wish to
> contribute dispite your opinion, you're welcome. What I asked was, do
> you know a set of SQL statements compiled specially to probe
> performance of typical database operations? Nothing more than that.
> Thanks again
> Rick Denoire


I think that the frustration that you have is related to the fact that such a standard benchmark doesn't really exist. There isn't any industry pressure to create such a benchmark, for the reasons that previous posters have outlined (albeit not in those terms).

There are (as you've pointed out) industry-standard benchmarks like TPC, SAP, and Oracle Applications. These are meant to allow comparisons between different platforms, *not* different database configurations, which is what I get the impression you want to know (in addition to different hardware configs).

Your best bet would be to use a "canned" benchmark like what is defined in the TPC and play around with different database configurations. Unfortunately, you need to be a member of TPC in order to gain access to the full toolset which would allow you to put together a "correct" TPC result yourself. Oracle has a "TPC toolkit" that they create so that hardware vendors will end up with the most optimal database configuration. I don't believe this is available to the public...I had a hard enough time getting my hands on it when I still worked for Oracle!

Within TPC, there are a handful of different benchmarks to allow comparisons for different business there isn't any *one* answer that is right. If all you want to do is compare hardware platforms with like comparisons, TPC is the place to go (  But you want more than that...

In which case the answer is "build your own." Ask yourself "what is important to know", and come up with a series of tests that will teach you what you want to know.

Sorry there isn't an easy answer here...

:-Phil Received on Thu Aug 07 2003 - 22:13:18 CDT

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