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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Sql statement slow in pl/sql but ok outside
I have an insert statement in a pl/sql procedure that runs very slow.
But if I were to stop the procedure just before the insert statement
and run it (the insert i.e.,) in sqlplus it runs right away. Any ideas
on what's going on?
I apologize for not being able to post the complete test case (its has
lot of tables and other stuff and I don't know if I can duplicate this
with a simple example).
my procedure is somewhat like this:
procedure p1 as
stmt 1 ;
stmt 2 ;
slow_sql ; -- takes long if run inside procedure
stmt 3 ;
end ;
If I were to run the procedure up to stmt_2, use a 'return' statement to get out to sql prompt and run 'slow_sql', it runs immediately
Any possible causes? Any thoughts on how i should try to debug this?
Thanks in advance.. Received on Thu Jul 31 2003 - 19:10:02 CDT