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I am trying to import just one table from an export file which has the
entire schema with a lot of other stuff, and since the file is big in
size more than the OS limit, it has been compressed. But I am running
into an error trying to read from the unix pipe during import. The
import waits for a while and then reports unexpected end-of-file.
So here is what I am doing :
mkfifo $DBEXPORT/temp_fifo_import
uncompress > $DBEXPORT/temp_fifo_import < $DBEXPORT/big_export.dmp.Z &
import user/pass tables=xyz file=$DBEXPORT/temp_fifo_import &
Pl let me know if you have used any of these similar methods to import and any resolution... Received on Tue Jul 29 2003 - 18:58:24 CDT